Reversal Processes by Dynamic Therapies: Pathophysiology, Biomarkers and Integrative Applications for Endometriosis: Case Report


Published: 2023-03-27

Page: 33-41

Sheryene N Tejeda *

Biomedical Engineering Society, Association for Women in Science and National Medical Association, United States and Medicinal Technologies, Florida, United States.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Introduction: This study's goal was to understand the pathophysiology of endometriosis and its epigenetic biomarkers that are useful in proposing integrative therapies for improved health outcomes. Current conventional therapies have been ineffective in treating endometrial abnormalities observed in patients diagnosed with the disease.

Patient Concerns: The endogenic treatment protocol that was based on the integrated process of reversal therapy was provided to thirty female participants enrolled in the study. Resulting fertility issues due to the disease renders a significant percentage of this population nulliparous. Literature is exhausted with research to establish relative pathogenicity of the monospecific disease as it corresponds to its molecular characteristics, symptoms, and progression.

Diagnosis: Angiogenesis was found to be a characteristic mechanism during the development of endometriosis resulting from a mutation of the GnRH gene thus compromising JEG-3 cell operations. Upregulated immune-related factors and functionally prevalent angiogenesis predisposes this population to acquire abnormal endometrial outcomes.

Interventions: A monotherapeutic approach was utilized consisting of a 3 part biomedical treatment protocol applied for 90 days to obtain menstral process improvements by decreasing the incidence of endometriosis and corresponding infertility.

Outcomes: Proposed mechanism of action provided by The Tejeda Equation (∑(σX GnRH ⇒ JEG3f )+ (σα ^βER ) ∴ NR3A1 ≥ 300-437pg/ml e (τ +30dy)∆ δEEC) permitted development of applied biomedical treatment protocol Fig.4. The protocols therapeutic matrix addressed all aspects of Bis4 by reversal of the mutated GnRH gene, restoration of JEG-3 cells and diminished endometrial lesions Fig.1. Corresponding results proved favorably.

Conclusion: Some significant genetic factors that are critical contributors to endometriosis have remained undiscovered. Continued research will be pursued that can assist in developing alternate diverse treatment strategies for the affected population.

Keywords: Pathophysiology, integrative therapies, reversal therapy, epigenetic biomarkers, infertility, endometriosis

How to Cite

Tejeda, S. N. (2023). Reversal Processes by Dynamic Therapies: Pathophysiology, Biomarkers and Integrative Applications for Endometriosis: Case Report. Asian Journal of Advances in Medical Science, 5(1), 33–41. Retrieved from


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