Application of POM-QM for Windows and Multiple ARC Network Model for Scheduling in a Single-Stage, Multi-Item Compatible Process


Published: 2023-09-20

Page: 523-538

Bokkasam Sasidhar *

College of Business Administration, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The importance of scheduling in the industrial world is growing rapidly. Customer-driven production scheduling is the need of the hour in the present business environment. The criteria generally considered are to maximize production volume while keeping in view the customers’ requirements and not to lose focus on maximizing profits as well as maximizing machine utilization. In order to retain major customers, the customers are categorized as either priority customers or normal customers. The production planning takes into account the customers’ orders, keeping in mind the nature of customers, viz., priority or normal. A production environment involving a given set of machines in a single-stage, multi-item compatible process is considered. The problem of scheduling in such an environment, with the objective of maximizing capacity utilization has been formulated [1] as a maximal flow problem in a Multiple Arc Network (MAN). The model generates an optimal production schedule with the goal of maximizing capacity utilization, ensuring that customer-wise delivery schedules are met while keeping customer priorities in mind. Implementation of the MAN System modeling has been built using POM-QM software for Windows V5. The application of the software is demonstrated using two examples. The QM software can be used by managers for any scaled-up operations to obtain production schedules.

Keywords: Scheduling, maximal flow problem, multiple arc network model, optimization, POM-QM software

How to Cite

Sasidhar , B. (2023). Application of POM-QM for Windows and Multiple ARC Network Model for Scheduling in a Single-Stage, Multi-Item Compatible Process. Asian Journal of Advances in Research, 6(1), 523–538. Retrieved from


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